Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Bio Poem

For Science class Harrison was asked to write a Bio Poem that would tell the teacher about himself.  I really enjoyed Harrison's poem and thought some of you may enjoy it as well:
Bio Poem by Harrison Havlin 8-6-13
Who is, funny, nice, Awesome, handsome, Cousin of Ben
Who loves, Clemson Tigers
Who feels, Nervous about school
Who needs, Baseball and Football
Who gives, Joy and Happiness
Who is, challenged by baseball and football
Who is known for, being funny
Who would like to accomplish, being drafted to the MLB
Who's favorite subject is, Social Studies

Saturday, August 10, 2013

Week 1 Done

We made it through the first week of school with no major incidents!  Yay! Now on to the rest of the school year.  So far everyone is still enjoying the school year, teachers, friends and the general atmosphere of being back in school.  Everyone is excited to begin their after school activities as well, at least the children are.

Abigial has been involved with ClubSav and practicing volleyball as much as possible.  She has gained a real interest in this sport and we look forward to seeing where this will lead.  There are still many other activities that are directly involved with her school that she is considering as well.  Time will tell.

Harrison is adjusting very well and quickly to Middle School.  He like his PE class and is patiently awaiting the arrival of his Trumpet so he can begin band.  He will also be involved in Rec football this year again with Effingham County.  I personally can't wait for footbal to begin.  I enjoy watching him play and enjoy the fact that he is exhausted after it is over.

Grayson is Grayson what can we say.  One day he Loves school the next day he is indifferent.  He is not excited about ever having to talk in front of the class.  This totally shocks me for the child that dances in the middle of a resteraunt.  He will also be playing football this year.  This will be his first year of tackle football and he is very excited.

All in all a good week and looking forward to what next week will bring!

Monday, August 5, 2013


Today was a success!  Everyone seemed to have a great day.  Everyone came home saying they enjoyed their days and were excited to go back tomorrow.  They were all starving and after burning off that little bit of remaining energy that they had leftover they were exhausted.



and Grayson

I Love These Kid's

Sunday, August 4, 2013

Back To School 2013

Very excited for the upcoming school year and all it holds for Abi, Harrison and Grayson.  Everyone is ready for a new school year even if we may be a bit nervous.

Abi starts 7th grade this year and is half way through Middle School.  Seems as though she was just leaving for Pre-school yesterday.  She has decided to give Volleyball a try this year and take some time off from dance.  Looking forward to seeing if this is something she will really enjoy!  Will try and keep you posted.

Harrison will beginning his journey through Middle School this year.  He is very excited about all of the opportunities that will be available to him.  He will be starting the year off in band playing the trumpet.  He is interested in trying out sports, just not sure which one yet. 

Grayson has been left all by his lonesome in Elementary school with no siblings for back up.  He is excited and nervous all at the same time.  He is currently reading me the first book in the Flat Stanley Series. He is hoping to increase his AR points exponentially this year.  We will be reading a lot!

 Hoping to continue the updates on a regular basis, but we all know how I am with keeping up with this.  :)