Friday, January 28, 2011

Quiet Parenting

This will just be a very short rant on my part.  This makes day three or four, who's counting anymore, of having no voice.  A week where every living thing in the house under the age of ten wants to pitch a fit, talk back, not do what they are told, etc.  My response to all of these issues this week is amazingly quiet.  That is what happens when you have no voice.  I am insanely tired from the effort of finding other ways to communicate with these young ones.  Also, from the belly crunching quiet laughter I get from trying to get across to the oldest child what I need her to pass along as information to the individual on the other end of the phone.  Do you remember in elementary school playing the game where you told someone something in a whisper and it was passed down the line until the last person repeated what they heard?  Usually it was something totally different than what had first been said.  Yep, that has been every phone conversation I have had the past few days.  One day, when the voice returns maybe I should call some of the recipients of these conversations and explain.  Or, maybe not.  I may lose my voice again laughing over it.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Up Next....

It is that time of year.  Time to kick it into high gear.  Make sure that everyone is where they belong.  Practices, rehearsals, meetings, competitions but before any of that is this event.  The dance company that George is involved with has come up with a plan to start raising money to help these dancers off set some of the costs associated with these competitions.  I am so excited about this event.  This will be the first time they will publicly perform some of the pieces that will be going to competition.  I LOVE to watch these dancers.  They put a lot of effort into all that they do along with all of their instructors and it really shows.

If you have the time and can make it out we would be so happy to see you there.  You get a great show, dessert, the opportunity to bid on some silent auction items all while helping out a wonderful group of dancers.

Now off to put some ideas to paper.  The silent auction items will be acquired by the members of the dance teams and their parents.  I would be one of the parents.  So off to come up with a bright idea; unless someone cares to leave one here!

Saturday, January 15, 2011

2010 Wrap Up

What an interesting year. So much happened and not much of it was reported here. As usual my intentions to keep everyone up to date fell way short. Here is to a better attempt in the new year.

Bubba has really taken to Boy Scouts and is having a wonderful time. His mom on the other hand is having a hard time keeping up with all that is going on. He is really excited about the camping trips that are coming up this year and the events that go on at the camp outs. Hopefully we can both get a grip on all that is coming up and have a wonderful year ahead.

Then there is the whole thing about one of these camping trips being in February! Wonder how Uncle Todd feels about freezing for the sake of one of his favorite nephews in the whole world? Hmmm!!!!

George is having the time of her life. What can I say. She is involved in enough that at times the rest of us think we are going to go insane. All the while she is standing by going I think I want to try ______! NO!!!!! Enough!!! We love her! She is really excited about dancing this year and is enjoying getting to know the girls at her new studio.
She is doing wonderful in school and is already looking forward to next year. I hope that she will keep this attitude up since the boys are not quite on the same page.

Tater is Tater.  What more can I say.  He is having a good time in Pre-K with Mrs. Bacon and Mrs. Betty.  Should probably ask them how they are handling the year!  He is a very active boy and is in to everything and making sure that everything goes his way.  To be the youngest!  He does tend to take after George a lot.  He wants to be involved in everything.  That is not always a good thing.  Looking forward to see what is in store for him this upcoming year.  He is greatly looking forward to his birthday in May.  Only problem he currently has is that he does not like the fact that he has to wait six months for his birthday and can not just move it.

Hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas and Great New Year!  Here we are looking forward to a whole new year of adventures.  Let the fun and games begin!